Monday, February 23, 2009

More of the Same... :(

Today it was back to the doctor, and much like the previous visits, he said go home, get some rest, and come back in a week.  This was frustrating news to Merissa.  She has been on Jack watch for some time now, and all the sitting around and waiting is really wearing on her.  She is 39 weeks now, and READY for him to be here.  It seems that Jack really doesn't care what we want though, and he will be here when he's ready.  So I guess for now, its just sit back and wait for a while.  I will write more if anything changes. I guess Kate is still #1 for another week!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Still No Jack :(

Well Jack is still enjoying the warmth and comfort of his current home.  He hasn't really shown many signs of coming but I guess its just a matter of time.  We are about 12 days from the due date.  Statistically there is a 75% chance of him coming between now and Mar. 10th, and an almost %40 chance of him coming in the next 10 days.  So I guess he's gonna be here pretty soon.  

We are ready and still really excited.  I hope some people have found this blog.  I am gonna try my hand at uploading some pictures now.  Thanks for reading. 

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Creation of Jack's Blog

Hello all. this is the first of hopefully many posts on Jack's blog. I will do my best to keep this updated and current, and hope to upload lots of pictures too.  Let me know what you think. 

Today Merissa is going to the doctor for the second of her appointments where the doctor examins her and trys to see if she is ready for the baby!!! We will have these every week now until the baby comes.  She really wants to have the baby soon.  If we thought there was any chance he would, she would ask him to induce her today.  Something tells me that won't be happening.  We will see though.  I hope everything is well with everyone.