Tuesday, April 28, 2009

No more noisy breathing...

Jack has had a fun couple of days visiting all of his doctors. The results of his visits is that he will be having a small surgical procedure next Monday. The procedure will only last 45 minutes and afterwords he will no longer be struggling to breathe. Jack, Mark and I will spend the night at Texas Children s Hospital Monday night and Jack should be released first thing Tuesday. It is nothing to be worried about, although it is uncommon for babies to have the surgery our doctor performs it all the time.

When the nurse was going through the pre-surgical procedure I was a little concerned she was going to tell us no food or drink after midnight the day before ( I wasn't sure how I was going to let Jack know he couldn't eat) She told me that babies can eat up until 3 hours prior.

We will keep you posted on how he does...


  1. Great news! I'm sure you guys will be stressed during the surgery, but sounds like he's going to feel so much better, and what a relief for Mommy and Daddy!! We can't wait to hear how it goes. Good luck to all of you. We love you!

  2. I will keep you all in my prayers. I know he will do just fine.
    Much love and happy thoughts,
