Monday, November 9, 2009


We had a very busy October which started with a visit from Aunt Susie, Bob and Grammy and wrapped up with a visit from Aunt Grace and Uncle peter. In between all of the visitors Jack perfected crawling, began pulling up and cruising around, grew not 1 but 2 teeth, celebrated his 1st Halloween and stayed in Austin with Grandpa Jim and Noni for an entire 5 days. No Mark and I did not do anything fun during those 5 days we worked went to bed at 8:00 and talked about how much we missed our little guy. Here are some pictures my mom took during Jacks stay in Austin, I am not sure how Jack ened up in the dog crate, she claims he crawled in there...


  1. That is one good lookin' kid! And he always looks so happy. Thanks so much for keeping the blog going. It makes me feel connected to you guys even though I'm a thousand miles away. We miss you!

  2. Cutest Turtle EVER! Thank you Mark and Merissa for letting Jack stay in Austin! We had so much fun Playing with him!

  3. He and Nanuq became best of friends and hung out together, I guess Jack just wanted to see what his den was like...honest he crawled in...I will confess I closed the gate for a brief moment to take pictures...I enjoyed him soooo much....Love you..Noni
