Late Saturday night Jack and I (Merissa) decided to go to Austin to visit some of our favorite relatives. We are staying at Mini's house which is awesome for both of us because I get to have some much needed rest while Mini stays up all night feeding her favorite grandson! For the first tome on three weeks I feel somewhat human. My mother is exhausted ( I dont know why...).
On Sunday we went to Jack Bueide's awesome 6th birthday party and were able to play with all the kids, we then went to Aunt Leslie and Uncle Chris's house for a cook-out. Grandpa Jim was there as well as Mini, Creepy Uncle Jonnie and Aunt Amanda. It was a lot of fun being passed around and held by everyone.
Today we relaxed all day and rested up for our photo shoot. By our I mean Jacks. I am attaching a couple of the poses he had, the pictures are from Mini's camera. When we get the professional ones I will be sure to post them. Baby pictures are always fun and even more fun when the babies are naked! Which makes for an interesting 3 hours, he tinkled on 3 blankets and only pooped on me once. We took pictures all over the house and in the garden some of my favorite are in his tonka truck.
I am not sure I want to leave Austin, my mother has been a huge help and I am getting spoiled. I think I would acctually consider staying for the rest of my maternity leave if it were for Mark not being able to see his baby.