Today Merissa and I spent a little less time with Jack than we have been. We went and got trained on his monitor they are sending home with him, and while we were there, they started his OCRG(breathing assessment). That took the better part of 6 hours, and during the test we were not allowed to touch or hold him. The results will be analyzed tomorrow, and if we get good news, he can come home. We just hope they come back early enough.
We also took an infant CPR class. This was not optional, but yet another requirement before we can take the baby home. It was moderately informative, but could have been shortened from 90 minutes to about 15. It told us about the compressions, the breathing, exc. It's kind of unnerving that it was required before we can have our baby. I am sure they are just covering themselves and being over cautious.
Tomorrow we are going to do a "car seat assessment". Just another of the hospitals ridiculous requirements before we can take Jack home. They say it is to make sure he can handle the ride home in the car seat. They put him in it for 30 minutes and monitor him. The car ride is 8 minutes long!! Ridiculous. Oh well he has passed every test they have given him so far, and I am sure he will do fine, but it is annoying. It's like they are trying to find reasons to keep him there.
They can't hold Jack down! He's a rock star. He is still doing great. We love him sooo much, and can't wait for him to come home.
Yes, all those classes sound like a pain but hopefully Jack's results will come back early, be great, and he can head home with you!!! I know you're ready to go home as a family. Thanks for the new updates every day; we love you guys! :)