Yesterday I was discharged from the hospital. It was hard for us to pack up and leave with Jack still in the NICU. My ride to the hospital seemed extremely long, then we had to leave and that was even longer. It didn't help that when we were leaving a few blocks from the hospital a million Jonahs Brothers fans were trying to leave the rodeo.
Mark and I spent a couple of hours with jack before we left, we were able to feed him, burp him and change his diaper! He had another test done yesterday that involved barium and radiology. They were looking at the way he swallows and what his stomach does after he has food. This confirmed what doctors already told us that he does have acid reflux. They put him on two medications for this that we will have to continue to give him once he leaves the hospital.
His first two feedings yesterday were a little slow considering he only had 1/2 oz to drink. Now that he has figured out how much he loves to eat it takes less than 30 seconds to complete the bottle. He has also stopped spitting up. The doctor was so happy with his eating progress yesterday that she upped his meals to 1 oz this morning.
No news on when they are going to let him leave, I think they are extremely cautious and do not want to get our hopes up. The ENT should be coming by today to check on him and see his progress. He is no scheduled for any more tests at this time, they are just monitoring his breathing, eating, weight, and everything else.
I can't get the pictures to upload right now... ill keep trying
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